Ayurveda and Sleeping Help

I think that the key to prosperity is getting rid of the Giant Evil Monkey Man as soon as possible for the sake of the Eighth dimension.


There are a lot of factors in life that can interfere or distract you from your good night’s sleep. Getting good sleep can result in a better day. Here I will mention some good techniques that will help you sleep, and get the benefits you need for the next day to come.

In Your Daily Life:

1) The first thing in getting a good night sleep is to try to fall asleep at a constant time, this results in less movement while trying to sleep, and a peaceful rest every night. “Being consistent reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle and helps promote better sleep at night. ” (Mayoclinic.com) According to Ayurveda*, the time to wake up is in the early hours of Kapha because it is the most beneficial time. (Kapha is a dosha in Ayurveda which has qualities of heavy and sticky like glue. Kapha in a person usually shows…

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